Yes, we are among those who think that unity is strength and, although crochet and knitting needles are totally in, we believe that it is still not easy to find inspiration and resources to create beautiful and more modern things than those made by our grandmothers (who, by the way, have the blame for all this).
We also believe in being ‘bistitchual’, in complementing both knitting techniques to get the best out of our hands. If you want to have fun with our project, here is a list of everything we are looking to share and we hope you can join in...
what do we look for?
we are interested in original patterns (of your own creation) that you want to share for free or that you want to sell through our magazine. in both cases, we will publish them with all your details and linking to your website or social network for recognition. ask us for more details.
we are interested in original handmade items that you would want to sell. in this case, we will publish the items and then refer our visitors to your website or social network for the sales process.
we are interested in any event or news that you would like to share with the community. again, we will give you full credit for the information and link to your web or socials.
we are also looking forward to further collaborations if you have any other idea, service or product related to our world. just don't hesitate to contact us.
All collaborations will be transparent as to their cost, if any. the pink loop reserves the right to select those patterns and/or products it considers within the scope of the project.